This process will automatically generate a separate document for the gift message to print.
You will need to have the order rules module enabled on your account which is an additional monthly fee.
Please contact our sales team to add this to your account
Step 1 - Label Template
Setup a word label template:
Type = Additional Document
Name = can be anything, but whatever you use needs match the param on the order rule exactly e.g "Gift Message Doc"
The document contains either Item or order level gift message:
Step 2 - Order Rule
Generate Additional Document = this is for order level gift messages
Generate Additional Gift Document = this is for item level gift messages
Param = this is the document name you used for the label (Gift Message Doc)
Gift Messages with Operator set to "Empty" or "Not Equal"
You may need to generate multiple rules with both condition types set depending on the channels in use and gift message mapping type (order level / line level)
Step 3 - Printing
There are 3 ways to print the gift documents:
1) Automatically Print with despatch notes (only recommended if document size is the same as Despatch Note)
Go to Settings > Customer Account Settings > Printing Tab > Add "ProductInfo" to "Order Document Types To Print when printing despatch notes"
2) Print in bulk from batch screen
After you have created a batch of orders using Batch Creation
Go to bulk actions tab, and select "ProductInfo" to bulk print:
3) Automatically print at pack station
For this to happen, you just need to make sure whichever packstation user will be shipping the order has their user setting enabled to automatically print unprinted documents.
Settings > User Settings > Automatically Print Unprinted Order Documents
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