Integration Summary
- Imports Products
- Imports Orders (with Multiple Status)
- Updates Tracking Numbers & Despatch Status
- Warehouse/Stock Location Mapping
- Maps Sales Channels (Must match exactly in Mintsoft & Trade Gecko)
- Imports Sales Invoice document from Trade Gecko
- Option To Delay Import Based on Shipping Date
- Posts stock adjustments to Trade Gecko
- Filter orders by tags
Acquiring API Token
Please complete the following steps in order to acquire an API Token which is required to setup the Trade Gecko integration with Mintsoft
- Log into the Trade Gecko store.
- Navigate To:
- Select New Application.
- Complete the New Application Form:
- Name: Mintsoft
- Website:
- Description: *Your Description of Connection*
- Support URL:
- Support Email:
- Settings URL:
- Redirect UR:
- Once your Application is Complete, Click Create Privileged Token.
- Copy the API Token that is generated.
NOTE: This must be completed using the details and not a custom portal.
Example Below:
Warehouse/Stock Location Mapping
This integration provides support for multiple Stock Locations to Warehouse Mapping within Mintsoft.
Trade Gecko supports multiple Stock Locations, each stock location which is configured within Trade Gecko can be mapped to a particular warehouse within Mintsoft by filtering the connection based on LocationID.
To view a list of Stock Locations within Trade Gecko, first configure a connection within Mintsoft, ensuring that the LocationID field remains empty.
Once the connection has been saved, a "Get Locations" button will appear which will display all of the configured Stock Locations within the Trade Gecko store.
The Location ID is what will filter the Orders coming through from Trade Gecko.
Mintsoft Configuration
Once an API Token has been acquired, the connection can be configured within Mintsoft.
Recommended Configuration:
Payment Status: paid
Invoice Status: invoiced
Fulfilment Status: unshipped
AccessToken: *API Key As Acquired Above*
LocationID: *Blank for ALL, input a Location ID (Details on acquiring an ID above) to filter Orders*
Note: It is possible to have multi status imports, separated with comma and no spaces, for example: paid,partial
Typical status values:
payment_status e.g. unpaid, partial or paid
invoice_status e.g. uninvoiced, partial or invoiced
fulfillment_status e.g. unshipped, partial or shipped
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