Integration Summary
- Imports orders
- Option for stock Sync
- Updates Tracking Numbers & Despatch Status
- Support Both V1 & V2 API SetUp
- Custom product option values/messages mapped automatically
- Product Sync (imports new products from Big Commerce)
Generate Credentials
V2 / V3 API Details
BigCommerce does not currently have a V3 Orders API, a V3 API is available for Products but not for Orders. To ensure orders are able to flow into Mintsoft please replace the '/v3/' in your URL to '/v2/' to allow us to use the V2 API and continue to fetch orders successfully.
The URL your store should use within Mintsoft, is the one presented to you when creating an API Account (please remember to replace v3 with v2):
Please copy this URL before you go to the next stage!
Recommended Order Statuses:
Picking Status ID = 9
Ready Status ID = 11
Despatched Status ID = 2
View feed of orders
Once you have created a legacy API account, you can view a list of orders by replacing the store URL and order status ID for each connection to preview the data:
the username is the username created above and the password is the API key generated by big commerce.
Tracking Carrier Values
Big Commerce will only accept specific values for their carrier tracking links to work.
You can use external courier names in Mintsoft to manage this.
Tracking Carrier – Company Name | Tracking Carrier – Value |
17 Post Service | 17postservice |
2GO | 2go |
360 Lion Express | 360lion |
4-72 Entregando | Apr-72 |
4PX | 4px |
ABF Freight | abf |
ABX Express | abxexpress-my |
ACS Courier | acscourier |
Adicional Logistics | adicional |
ADSOne | adsone |
AIR21 | air21 |
Airpak Express | airpak-express |
Airspeed International Corporation | airspeed |
alphaFAST | alphafast |
An Post | an-post |
APC Overnight | apc-overnight |
APC Overnight Reference | apc-overnight-reference |
APC Postal Logistics | apc |
Aramex | aramex |
Arrow XL | arrowxl |
Asendia Germany | asendia-de |
Asendia HK (LATAM) | skypostal |
Asendia UK | asendia-uk |
Asendia USA | asendia-usa |
ASM | asm |
AuPost China | aupost-china |
Australia Post | australia-post |
Austrian Post (Express) | austrian-post |
Austrian Post (Registered) | austrian-post-registered |
B2C Europe | b2ceurope |
Belgium Post | bpost |
Belpost | belpost |
Bert Transport | bert-fr |
Best Express | 800bestex |
Bluedart | bluedart |
Bonds Couriers | bondscouriers |
BOXC | boxc |
bpost international | bpost-international |
Brazil Correios | brazil-correios |
BRT Bartolini | brt-it |
Bulgarian Posts | bgpost |
Buylogic | buylogic |
Cambodia Post | cambodia-post |
Canada Post | canada-post |
Canpar Courier | canpar |
CBL Logistics | cbl-logistica |
China EMS | china-ems |
China Post | china-post |
Chronopost France | chronopost-france |
Chronopost Portugal | chronopost-portugal |
City-Link Express | citylinkexpress |
CJ GLS | cj-gls |
CNE Express | cnexps |
Colis Priv’© | colis-prive |
Colissimo | colissimo |
Collect+ | collectplus |
Con-way Freight | con-way |
Correo Argentino | correo-argentino |
Correos Chile | correos-chile |
Correos de Espa’±a | spain-correos-es |
Correos de Mexico | correos-de-mexico |
Correos Express | correosexpress |
Cosmetics Now | costmeticsnow |
Courex | courex |
Courier IT | courierit |
Courier Plus | courier-plus |
CourierPost | courierpost |
Couriers Please | couriers-please |
cPacket | cpacket |
Cuckoo Express | cuckooexpress |
Cyprus Post | cyprus-post |
DACHSER | dachser |
Dawn Wing | dawnwing |
DB Schenker Sweden | dbschenker-se |
Delcart | delcart-in |
Delhivery | delhivery |
Deltec Courier | deltec-courier |
Detrack | detrack |
Deutsche Post DHL | dhl-germany |
Deutsche Post Mail | deutsch-post |
DHL 2-Mann-Handling | dhl-deliverit |
DHL Benelux | dhl-benelux |
DHL eCommerce | dhl-global-mail |
DHL Express | dhl |
DHL Express (Piece ID) | dhl-pieceid |
DHL Global Mail Asia | dhl-global-mail-asia |
DHL Hong Kong | dhl-hk |
DHL Netherlands | dhl-nl |
DHL Parcel NL | dhlparcel-nl |
DHL Poland Domestic | dhl-poland |
DHL Spain Domestic | dhl-es |
Direct Freight Express | directfreight-au |
Direct Link | directlink |
DMM Network | dmm-network |
Dotzot | dotzot |
DPD | dpd |
DPD Germany | dpd-de |
DPD Ireland | dpd-ireland |
DPD Poland | dpd-poland |
DPD UK | dpd-uk |
DPE Express | dpe-express |
DPE South Africa | dpe-za |
DPEX | dpex |
DPEX China | szdpex |
DSV | dsv |
DTDC Australia | dtdc-au |
DTDC India | dtdc |
DX | dx |
Dynamic Logistics | dynamic-logistics |
Easy Mail | easy-mail |
EC-Firstclass | ec-firstclass |
Ecargo | ecargo-asia |
Echo | echo |
Ecom Express | ecom-express |
ELTA Hellenic Post | elta-courier |
Emirates Post | emirates-post |
EMPS Express | empsexpress |
Ensenda | ensenda |
Envialia | envialia |
Equick China | equick-cn |
Estafeta | estafeta |
Estes | estes |
Exapaq | exapaq |
Expeditors | expeditors |
Fastrak Services | fastrak-th |
Fastway Australia | fastway-au |
Fastway Ireland | fastway-ireland |
Fastway New Zealand | fastway-nz |
Fastway South Africa | fastway-za |
FedEx | fedex |
FedEx Freight | fedex-freight |
FedEx Poland Domestic | opek |
FedEx UK | fedex-uk |
FERCAM Logistics & Transport | fercam |
First Flight Couriers | first-flight |
First Logistics | first-logistics |
Flyt Express | flytexpress |
Gati-KWE | gati-kwe |
GDEX | gdex |
Geniki Taxydromiki | taxydromiki |
GEODIS - Distribution & Express | geodis-calberson-fr |
Giao h’¾ng nhanh | ghn |
Globegistics Inc. | globegistics |
GLS | gls |
GLS Italy | gls-italy |
GLS Netherlands | gls-netherlands |
GoFly | gofly |
GoJavas | gojavas |
Greyhound | greyhound |
Hermes Germany | hermes-de |
Hermesworld | hermes |
Homedirect Logistics | homedirect-logistics |
Hong Kong Post | hong-kong-post |
Hrvatska Pota | hrvatska-posta |
Hua Han Logistics | hh-exp |
i-parcel | i-parcel |
Iceland Post | postur-is |
IDEX | idexpress |
IMEX Global Solutions | imexglobalsolutions |
IMX Mail | imxmail |
India Post Domestic | india-post |
India Post International | india-post-int |
InPost Paczkomaty | inpost-paczkomaty |
Interlink Express | interlink-express |
International Seur | international-seur |
Israel Post | israel-post |
Israel Post Domestic | israel-post-domestic |
Italy SDA | italy-sda |
ITIS International | itis |
Jam Express | jam-express |
Japan Post | japan-post |
Jayon Express (JEX) | jayonexpress |
JCEX | jcex |
Jet-Ship Worldwide | jet-ship |
JNE | jne |
JP BH Pota | bh-posta |
Kangaroo Worldwide Express | kangaroo-my |
Kerry Express Thailand | kerry-logistics |
Kerry TTC Express | kerryttc-vn |
KGM Hub | kgmhub |
Korea Post | korea-post |
Kuehne + Nagel | kn |
La Poste | la-poste-colissimo |
Lao Post | lao-post |
LaserShip | lasership |
LBC Express | lbcexpress |
Lietuvos Patas | lietuvos-pastas |
Lion Parcel | lion-parcel |
Logistic Worldwide Express | lwe-hk |
Magyar Posta | magyar-posta |
Malaysia Post - Registered | malaysia-post-posdaftar |
Malaysia Post EMS / Poslaju | malaysia-post |
Matdespatch | matdespatch |
Matkahuolto | matkahuolto |
Maxcellents Pte Ltd | maxcellents |
Mexico AeroFlash | aeroflash |
Mexico Redpack | mexico-redpack |
Mexico Senda Express | mexico-senda-express |
Mondial Relay | mondialrelay |
MRW | mrw-spain |
myHermes UK | myhermes-uk |
Mypostonline | mypostonline |
NACEX Spain | nacex-spain |
Nanjing Woyuan | nanjingwoyuan |
Nationwide Express | nationwide-my |
New Zealand Post | new-zealand-post |
Newgistics | newgistics |
Nexive (TNT Post Italy) | tntpost-it |
Nhans Solutions | nhans-solutions |
Nightline | nightline |
Ninja Van | ninjavan |
Ninja Van Indonesia | ninjavan-id |
Ninja Van Malaysia | ninjavan-my |
NiPost | nipost |
Norsk Global | norsk-global |
Nova Poshta | nova-poshta |
NuvoEx | nuvoex |
OCA Argentina | oca-ar |
Old Dominion Freight Line | old-dominion |
Omni Parcel | omniparcel |
One World Express | oneworldexpress |
OnTrac | ontrac |
Packlink | packlink |
Pandu Logistics | pandulogistics |
Panther | panther |
Parcel Express | parcel-express |
Parcel Force | parcel-force |
Parcel Post Singapore | parcelpost-sg | | parcelled-in |
PayPal Package | ppbyb |
PFC Express | pfcexpress |
Poczta Polska | poczta-polska |
Portugal CTT | portugal-ctt |
Portugal Seur | portugal-seur |
Pos Indonesia Domestic | pos-indonesia |
Pos Indonesia Int'l | pos-indonesia-int |
Post Danmark | danmark-post |
Post Serbia | post-serbia |
Post56 | post56 |
Poste Italiane | poste-italiane |
Poste Italiane Paccocelere | poste-italiane-paccocelere |
Posten Norge / Bring | posten-norge |
Posti | posti |
PostNL Domestic | postnl |
PostNL International | postnl-international |
PostNL International 3S | postnl-3s |
PostNord Logistics | postnord |
Po_Èta Rom’¢nóÛ | posta-romana |
Professional Couriers | professional-couriers |
PTT Posta | ptt-posta |
Purolator | purolator |
Quantium | quantium |
Qxpress | qxpress |
Raben Group | raben-group |
RAF Philippines | raf |
RaidereX | raiderex |
RAM | ramgroup-za |
Red Express | red-express |
Red Express Waybill | red-express-wb |
Redur Spain | redur-es |
RL Carriers | rl-carriers |
Rocket Parcel International | rocketparcel |
Royal Mail | royal-mail |
RPX Indonesia | rpx |
RPX Online | rpxonline |
RR Donnelley | rrdonnelley |
Russian Post | russian-post |
RZY Express | rzyexpress |
S.F International | sfb2c |
S.F. Express | sf-express |
Safexpress | safexpress |
Sagawa | sagawa |
Saudi Post | saudi-post |
Scudex Express | scudex-express |
SEKO Logistics | sekologistics |
SFC Service | sfcservice |
SGT Corriere Espresso | sgt-it |
Singapore Post | singapore-post |
Singapore Speedpost | singapore-speedpost |
Siodemka | siodemka |
SkyNet Malaysia | skynet |
SkyNet Worldwide Express | skynetworldwide |
Skynet Worldwide Express UK | skynetworldwide-uk |
SMSA Express | smsa-express |
South African Post Office | sapo |
Spanish Seur | spanish-seur |
Specialised Freight | specialisedfreight-za |
Speed Couriers | speedcouriers-gr |
Speedex Courier | speedexcourier |
Spreadel | spreadel |
SRE Korea | srekorea |
Star Track Express | star-track-express |
StarTrack | star-track |
STO Express | sto |
Sweden Posten | sweden-posten |
Swiss Post | swiss-post |
Taiwan Post | taiwan-post |
TAQBIN Hong Kong | taqbin-hk |
TAQBIN Malaysia | taqbin-my |
TAQBIN Singapore | taqbin-sg |
Teliway SIC Express | sic-teliway |
TGX | tgx |
Thailand Thai Post | thailand-post |
The Courier Guy | thecourierguy |
Tiki | tiki |
TNT | tnt |
TNT Australia | tnt-au |
TNT France | tnt-fr |
TNT Italy | tnt-it |
TNT Reference | tnt-reference |
TNT UK | tnt-uk |
TNT UK Reference | tnt-uk-reference |
TNT-Click Italy | tnt-click |
Toll IPEC | toll-ipec |
Toll Priority | toll-priority |
TrakPak | trakpak |
TransMission | transmission-nl |
Tuffnells Parcels Express | tuffnells |
UBI Logistics Australia | ubi-logistics |
ó‘esk’ Pota | ceska-posta |
UK Mail | uk-mail |
UkrPoshta | ukrposhta |
UPS | ups |
UPS Freight | ups-freight |
UPS Mail Innovations | ups-mi |
USPS | usps |
Vietnam Post | vnpost |
Vietnam Post EMS | vnpost-ems |
ViettelPost | viettelpost |
Wahana | wahana |
WeDo Logistics | wedo |
WishPost | wishpost |
XDP Express | xdp-uk |
XDP Express Reference | xdp-uk-reference |
Xend Express | xend |
XpressBees | xpressbees |
XQ Express | xq-express |
Yamato Japan | taqbin-jp |
Yanwen | yanwen |
Yodel Domestic | yodel |
Yodel International | yodel-international |
YRC | yrc |
YTO Express | yto |
Yun Express | yunexpress |
Yunda Express | yundaex |
Zalora 7-Eleven | zalora-7-eleven |
ZJS International | zjs-express |
1 comment
This is out of date , and does not include enough detail to enable a Bigcommerce integration. Please update.
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