Volumetric storage charging allows you to bill for storage based on a per cubic metre basis - for either individual unit dimensions, or outer carton dimensions.
For both methods - you will need to have dimensions stored against every product, or every product carton.
For carton based volumetric billing, the system will automatically round up to the nearest full carton.
Client Setup
Firstly, you will need to select the relevant volumetric storage method for the client.
Navigate to Clients > Overview, then add or edit an existing client.
Then, go to the storage tab & select the method you want to use from the storage type list:
Volumetric is for unit based charging, and VolumetricCarton is for carton based volumetric charging.
You also need to set your per cubic metre rate & frequency you want to charge - i have set £0.50 per cubic metre, on a daily basis.
Adding Product Dimensions by Upload
In both cases its best to upload the product dimension data by CSV.
For individual unit based volumetric charging, navigate to Products > Extras > Upload Products and enter the dimensions on this upload.
For carton based volumetric billing, navigate to Products > Extras > Upload Additional Info > Download Carton Template
Then enter the carton quantity & dimensions (you can leave carton barcode blank if you do not have them), then upload the file
Adding Product Dimensions Manually
Go to products > overview > {search for product} > Actions & Edit
If you are charging on a unit basis, click on the pricing and size tab - then enter dimensions:
For carton volumetric charging - go to the dedicated carton tab, and add a carton;
Calculate Storage Volume
You can calculate how much volume the products are taking up, and what the storage charge would be by navigating to 3PL Accounting > Overview > Calculate Current Storage;
Then choose your client and storage calculation (Volumetric or VolumetriCarton) and hit calculate.
The system will then display the volume charges:
Missing Product Volumes
If you are worried about not charging for products with no volumes stored - you can setup an automatic alert to tell you!
Please navigate to Reports > Scheduled Reports and setup a scheduled report for Productswithnovolume
You can also access this manually by going to Reports > Overview
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