You can setup the system to print product & location ID barcode labels using a label layout design taken from Microsoft Word Mail Merge feature.
if you are not familiar with the mail merge feature on word, then please email with the label template you have that you need setting up on your account.
This means you can pretty much print product barcode labels in any format you have available - either on sheets of labels on laser printers or rolls of labels via thermal printers.
For product barcodes, you can choose to have the barcode image generated on the labels from the following values in the database:
SKU Based Barcode!
Even if your items have no EAN or UPC barcode value assigned to them, you can still create barcodes for the products based on the SKU value.
But bear in mind, if the client has large SKU values (particularly a mixture of alphanumeric) then these will not work on smaller label templates, we recommend to use PRODUCT_ID barcodes instead if the client have large SKU values
On Avery 21 per page labels the maximum SKU value size is around 10-12 characters.
Setting up mail merge document
Open word (word 2016 used in this guide) and navigate to Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Labels
Then select your label manufacturer and product code
Avery A4 - L7160 is a popular label template with 21 labels per sheet, 3 across & 7 down.
Once label layout selected, navigate to Insert > Quick Parts
Choose the field name type as "MergeField"
Then select the field name value - Possible values can be:
Using any of these values will simply insert the value of this field onto the label from the database in mintsoft - so they would be typically be used as a header for the barcode image below or above.
Now you will have this value selected on the label:
Now enter a new line underneath or above this value and repeat the process to add a new quick part, this time we are going to insert the barcode image field.
Barcode image field names!
Product Barcodes Images:
Location Barcodes Images:
To insert a barcode image field onto the label, please use the names as shown above exactly depending on the type of barcode you want to be used.
Our example below will take the barcode image from the EAN field in the mintsoft database:
So now our label has a SKU header and an EAN barcode image.
The final stage is to update the template across all labels:
You will now see the label values copied over to all labels in the template:
Now save the document ready for uploading to Mintsoft
Upload Template to Mintsoft
Navigate to Settings > Label Templates
Click "Add New Label Template". Then browse for the template created and give meaningful name for the template - you can assign to all clients, or an individual client.
Choose the type of label you are adding either "Product" or "Location"
Printing Product Barcode Labels
To print barcode labels for products, please navigate to Products > Extras > Product Labels
Then select products and click generate:
The system will automatically put the QTY on hand you have in stock to print labels for, but you can adjust this if you want to:
Choose the template you want to print for the products and click generate - the system will download a word document with the barcodes on to print:
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