To receive an ASN (PO) using the App - select ASN from the App home menu:
Then you can either scan the ASN barcode if you have the Mintsoft ASN paperwork, or you can browse and select from the list.
The list shows PO number & the supplier sending the goods to the warehouse:
Once selected, a product list is then displayed showing SKU, Name & QTY expected:
When you are ready to receive the ASN, hit the green receive button and scan your first location ID you want to allocate products
The location will be displayed and you are ready to scan your first product barcode:
The products will then be displayed when successful scans registered:
You can then choose to scan every unit individually or you can manually set the QTY but pressing Update QTY and selecting the QTY from thge drop down:
Once you have finished scanning in the current location, hit the next location button to move on to the next location & repeat the process to scan location and scan product:
Once you have finished scanning all products in all location, select the finish button and choose how to book the stock in:
A success message will then be displayed:
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