The default automatic stock allocation behaviour is explained on this guide:
Stock allocation picking logic
However, you may want to over-ride this logic - for example so that the system always attempts to allocate stock first from "pick bin" location types or "ground floor" before then going on to bulk or higher level location type positions.
You can do this by assigning a priority grade to each grade of location types with a score of 1-100.
Priority 1 being the first priority for stock allocation and 100 being the last priority.
E.g. you could have a setup like:
Pick Bin Type = Priority 1
Standard Pallet Type = Priority 2
Bulk Pallet Type = Priority 3
With this setting enabled the system would then always try to allocate stock in this sequence if there was stock available in all 3 location types
If 2 or more location types have the same priority grade then stock allocation reverts to the default behaviour in the guide above.
Edit Location Type Priority
Navigate to Warehouse > Extras > Location Types
Then hit the add a new location type or edit button next to each location type and assign it a priority grade:
Assign priority grade:
If you want to see which location IDs are assigned to each type go to Warehouse > Manage Warehouse > Locations & filter locations by location type:
Enable Setting for Stock Allocation Based on Location Type Priority
Navigate to Warehouse > Manage Warehouse > Edit
Then toggle on the setting & save:
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