At the packing stage it is possible to automatically capture variable rework and packaging charges simply by scanning a set barcode that relates to a specific type of charge - it can be an actual barcode of the packaging - or a fictional barcode relating to a charge.
The packaging items can have a weight allocated to them also to automatically increase the order weight as you scan them.
A new feature now allows you to link these rework barcodes to inventory items, so that you can track stock for packaging.
Add Rework Barcode
To set this up, please first navigate to Picking > Overview > Manage Barcode Rework Items:
Then click add;
Then simply click add to create a new charge. Now you can add the comment for the charge, the cost and even a weight if the type of packaging will significantly increase the weight of the package as per below:
You can either type a generic barcode number like i have above as 100001 (or leave blank and system will self generate), or if your packaging already has a barcode number on it (typical for many types of Jiffy Bags for example) then you can scan that number instead if you prefer.
Then simply repeat these steps for all types of charges and you will have a table of charges like this:
Bulk Upload
You can also bulk upload rework items using a CSV file by hitting the bulk upload button;
Its possible to also link rework barcodes to inventory items now to track stock for packaging.
You can either add the SKUs to client accounts specifically or create a packaging client separately so share the packaging inventory across multiple clients.
For the inventory to deduct - the stock must be booked into "unassigned location".
Just select the packaging SKU from the product drop down to link a rework scan to a SKU:
The item will then show its linked to a SKU:
Print Rework Barcodes
Once you have created all of your rework items - if you hit the blue "printable barcodes" button at the top, the system will produce a summary sheet of barcodes for you like this to print;
You can then print these off and laminate for each packing station in the warehouse.
Scanning Rework Barcodes at Pack Stations
When it comes to packing the orders when navigated to Picking > Order Picking - your packers should scan these barcodes into the re-work box for each type of charge they want to add to the order (the cursor automatically lands in this box to receive a scan):
if you need to add multiple charges, you can keep scanning until you have added enough, or increase the QTY manually before you scan & success message displayed:
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