In order to ensure that you always have stock in the picking locations, rather than picking from hard to reach bulk locations - you can run a replenishment action or report to transfer stock from bulk locations to pick locations where inventory is low in pick locations.
Warehouse Setup
You may want to enable a setting on your warehouse to include allocated stock in your replen points in scenarios where items have yet to be picked and it is not physically possible to replen the pick location until they are cleared.
To do this navigate to Warehouse > Manage Warehouse > Edit > Toggle on IncludeAllocatedStockInReplenPoint
You also need to make sure that you have allocated Location Types to your location IDs - Setting up, editing & uploading Locations
Product Setup
To set replen reporting up - you first need to specify replenishment points for each product.
There are 3 ways to do this:
1. You can do this manually by editing each product one by one by going to Products > Overview > (search for product) > Actions > Edit
Then select Defaults > Replen Points
Size = This is the maximum amount of the product that can fit in the picking location
Replen Point = This is the level of inventory at which you want the system to tell you replen is required for this location type
So you may have a product where a maximum of 50 units can fit in the picking location, but you want the system to warn you when inventory level reaches 5 units:
2. You also do this in bulk by navigating to Products > Extras > Upload Additional Info > ProductReplenPoints
Choose the relevant template to download and enter the information as per below example:
3. You can set a blanket default replen point for all products by going to Products > Extras > Default Replen Points
Then add the required blanket replen point that will get applied for all products:
Default Pick Locations
You may also need to specify the default pick location ID for each item you want to run replenishment actions for.
Please see relevant guides here if you are not sure on how to do this:
Upload Default Picking Locations in Bulk
Changing Default Pick Location (simple stock transfer)
Running Replenishment Data
There are two ways to run replenishment data
1. If you are not using default pick bins, then simply navigate to Reports > Product Related Reports > Low Stock Replen
The system will advise you all possible locations where the stock is available to replen from and how much is available in each location.
2. If you are using default pick bins then navigate to Warehouses > Replenishment
Select the warehouse to run the Replen for and click run.
Completing Replen / Transfer
The system will advise you all possible locations where the stock is available to replen from and how much is available in each location.
You can print a PDF of the replenishment report to hand to warehouse staff to complete the physical stock movements.:
Once the stock movements have been confirmed by the warehouse staff - simply add the confirmed replenishment qty in the box and click the confirm box:
The stock movements will now have been carried out - you can view movement history on the manage inventory tab for each product.
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