Note: You will NOT be able to receive ASNs for SKUs with infinite stock on.
After your client has raised an ASN there are 3 ways to start the receipt process using the browser version.
Confirming ASNS!
You cannot receive an ASN until it has been confirmed, please make sure all ASNs are confirmed before attempting to receive
- Click on the ASN icon from the ASN calendar widget (if you have it added to your dashboard) & then hit the green receive button in the top left.
- Navigate to Warehouse> Goods In > Receive Goods. Then you can simply scan in the barcode from the ASN paperwork if it is available
- Lastly navigate to Warehouse > Goods In > ASNs and search for the ASN in the list using PO number or client. Then select Actions > Receive on the right hand side
Confirm Delivery Size

Confirming QTY of Units Received
Next - there are two ways to record the QTYs received.
First you can scroll down and enter the figures manually & hit save when done:
Or for speed you can select to the orange button at the top mark all items as received - which will mark all items automatically received as the same QTY as expected:
Committing ASN!
Saving stock figures or marking all items as received does not commit the ASN!
You need to complete the next step to assign locations and finally book in the ASN (commit and close or partially book in)

Assigning Locations
Once you have confirmed the delivery size & units received - choose the option "Assign Locations & Book In"
No Allocations!
You can book an ASN in with no location allocations & the system will simply just automatically book stock into the default pick location (if one exists) for the product without you having to assign individual locations.
If no default pick location is found, the stock will be in an unassigned location.
If you don't want to assign locations - skip to the final step to book in or partial book in.
If you want to assign locations before booking stock in please follow these steps.
By default the system will list the default pick location first in the list of locations:
So then select the location you wish to allocate stock to and then enter the QTY & click Assign:
For speed you can also just choose to allocate stock to the default locations using the orange button at the top. Choosing this will automatically populate the QTY locations allocations.
Once you have finished assigning products to locations (or skipping this if you simply want to book stock into default pick location) - then select book in ASN or Partial Book in ASN to leave the ASN open at a late date:
Book In ASN
Final stage is to confirm if you are going to book in the ASN or partially book in the ASN.
Book in ASN will close the ASN with no further edits possible & partial book in will leave it open for you to make further adjustments
Next you will receive a confirmation that the stock is booked in:
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