There are two options in Mintsoft to charge per KG, the main difference being that one method charges per parcel QTY as well, whereas the other does not.
Charge Weight By Consignment
This method does not include the total parcel qty at all when calculating the courier price, and instead charges purely on total order weight.
This method is best where a fixed amount is charged for say 0-10KG and then a per KG rate is charged over and above the first 10KG.
You will need to have individual rows setup for every KG after 10 and so it is much easier setting this up on a spreadsheet found in Shipping > Extras > Uploads.
In our example the rate is £7.50 up to 10KG, and then 50p per KG thereafter.
So a consignment weighing a total of 60KG would get charged £7.50 + (50 x 0.50) = £32.50, irrespective of total parcels.
You can do a simple calculation on the second row to do this as shown below and double click in the bottom right of the cell to complete for all weight rows required:
If you want a copy of the spreadsheet to use as an example please contact
Use Additional As PerKg Rate
This method calculates a courier price based on total parcel count and total KG.
This method is usually used for international shipping - e.g. you have been quoted £4 per parcel + £0.50 per KG to Spain.
Total parcels = 2
Total Weight = 5.5kg
Total Price = (£4 x 2) + (£0.50x5.5) = £14.00
This can be done easily on the manual add courier price screen as follows:
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